
Church History

     Today, Valley Harvest Church is filled with loving, supportive members.  But the first sermon Pastor Torrez officially preached was to a crowd of 12.  Pastor Torrez was a pioneer.  Fresh from North Central Bible College in Minneapolis, MN, he was ready to be assigned to a Minnesota church.  Instead, the Joplin, MO board of the Pentecostal Church of God chose Appleton, a city of approximately 69,000 residents in northeastern Wisconsin.  This would be the location for the first Home Missions church under Strategy 2000.  Bidal Torrez was elected to "go ye".  Pastor Torrez and his family lived in St. Paul for five years, ever since he had followed his calling to attend Bible school.  Packing their belongings, Pastor and Sherry, along with their children, moved to Appleton where they discovered that through the best of times and worst of times, God is always faithful.
     Built on prayer and hard work, Valley Harvest Church is now reaching out to the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to bring the lost and hurting to the knowledge of Jesus Christ and to train up the people in the five-fold ministry and to send them out to the field which are ripe unto harvest.  Pastor Bidal Torrez and his wife Sherry have five children, they began their journey with hope, faith, and a vision and have increased in knowledge of and for God along the way and that is what growth is all about.